Frequently Asked Questions


Can you break down the grant writing retainer?

The grant writing retainer covers the research and writing services, a weekly meeting with the key point of contact for the organization (usually a Director of Development or Executive Director), and time to receive and respond to questions as they arise. The monthly retainer allows Dear Donor to provide greater flexibility in response to the natural ebb and flow of the grant cultivation and solicitation pipeline.


In this case, evergreen refers to copywriting and/or materials that do not need to significantly change every year. Much like an evergreen tree looks the same all year long, an evergreen grant pipeline becomes the backbone of your fundraising efforts year after year. We recommend eight to ten hours of research to build a custom pipeline that focuses on reputable funders whose funding priorities fit the mission and vision of your organization.

Is there a grant you have received on a consistent basis? Do you have certain funders that you work with?

Dear Donor’s clients regularly secure renewed grant awards from private and federal funders. However, there is nuance to this language — Dear Donor does not win grants, the organization does. Dear Donor cannot create something that does not exist to make an application stronger. We do have experience in applying to the same funders year after year. Clients regularly win those grants because we help them cultivate strong relationships with the foundation’s program officers.

What if you have two clients applying for the same grant?

This is common. Professional grant writers often have clients who submit applications to the same funders. However, organizations are so unique — between their mission, vision, and specific funding requests — that there is simply no overlap. It is absolutely unthinkable to use the same copy, even in part, for two clients. Dear Donor works hard to embrace the unique voice of your organization, which means that it will not look or sound like the narrative of another application.